How to Get Your Sink Really Shiny!

Is there anything worse than a stainless steel sink that is starting to turn rusty and grey? How do you get it back to its original gleaming state?  Don’t think you have to go out and spend a bunch of money on a stain removing cleaner and polisher.  All you really need is a few common household-cleaning items.


One of the most effective cleaners is pure Baking Soda. Arm & Hammer is the perfect brand to do.  Simply make a paste of baking soda water and sprinkle it over the steel.  Then give the sink a gentle once over with a very fine steel wool and it will get rid of any hairline scratches.  Then all you need to do is rinse the residue away.


If your sink has water spots then dip your sponge in white vinegar and rub them right off. If rust is the problem then try soaking a sponge in rubbing alcohol and that should take care of any crusted rust spots or stains.


If the rust or stubborn stains are particularly hard to remove then try using a mixture of three parts cream of tarter to one part hydrogen peroxide and rub the stain with a cloth. Let the mixture sit and allow it to dry before wiping it away with a sponge or wet cloth.


Another inexpensive cleanser is all-purpose floor. Simply sprinkle it in the sink and buff the steel. The small grains in the flour act as a steel polishing.


Yet another secret to getting a super-shiny sink is to put the plug in the drain and add a bottle of club soda. With paper towels spread the club soda all over the sink and rub until the sink gleams.


Another tip is to use Murphy’s oil soap. Murphy’s oil is typically used to clean wood floors but it can make metal look really shiny. That is because it does have a bit of oil in it and oil not only tempers the surface of the steel it is also naturally shiny.


Finally one of the biggest secrets is to apply a few drops of baby oil to a paper towel and rub the sink everywhere.  After you have scratched off the stains this trick helps to smooth out the steel surface so it is more reflective of light.


For an overall rehab of your sink try an overall buff with stain removal and then apply Murphy’s oil or baby oil and people with think you had everything replaced.

How to Clean Up Blood Spills on Carpets

One of most daunting cleaning challenges of all is blood spills on carpeted floors. One key issue is sanitizing the carpet as quickly as possible.  A blood stain that is allowed to set may never be removed. Blood can harden on carpeting and become crusty which makes it very difficult to clean.  Whenever possible respond as fast as you can to clean up blood on a product.


It is also important tot use the right commercial solution to clean a carpet. Bleach can damage or destroy a carpet. It is best to clean these areas using cleaners approved by the carpet manufacture. Be sure to choose a product that has antimicrobial properties to help clean it as thoroughly as possible. It is also recommended that you wash the carpet thoroughly three to four times to a day.


Using the right products can make all of the difference when it comes to removing blood. Make sure that you are using a cleaner that is intended for use on carpet. If you use a cleaner meant for floors or fabrics instead of carpet then you may not get the results that you want.


Yet another way to get the stain out is to rent a steam cleaners. These machines, which can be rented at most grocery and carpet stores can sanitize the carpet fibres and remove any remaining blood.  This is especially recommend if you suspect that the blood that was spilled was infected with pathogens in any way.


Make sure that you put on disposable gloves and create a barrier around the spill so that it cannot be tracked around the home. Once the area is isolated spray it with a manufacturer approved cleaner and then let it sit for about fifteen minutes. This gives the disinfectant the time it needs to sanitize the carpet.  This is important because if the proteins are left in the carpet then they can carry disease as well as be a fertile ground for mold.


You should then take paper towels or an absorbent powder like resolve and blot up as much as fluid as possible. You should then use a wet-dry vacuum to help extract any reaming water, cleaning fluid and blood.


After you have done all this you need to repeat it all again at least three times. Let the disinfectant sit on the stain and do it’s job for it at least twenty minutes.  After you are done repeatedly cleaning the blood stain at least three times then place portable fans near the stain to help the moisture dry.


Finally be sure to dispose all gloves and rags and thoroughly sanitize any equipment used to clean the blood of your carpet.