Tips for Protecting Your Hardwood Floor

If you want to preserve the beauty of your hardwood floor so that they gleam for many years then there are several simple things that you can do.  The reason you want to protect your floors as well as you can is because you want to avoid refinishing them. Every time you refinish a floor the wood is ground down a little more which can cause it to degrade more and more.


Here are some suggestions for protecting your hardwood floors.


  1. Protect those floors with throw rugs or hall rugs. Areas of high traffic get worn down first so it is essential that you cover them so this part of your hardwood flooring does not age before the flooring in the rest of the house. It does not take long for a high traffic area of the home to look quite beat up.


  1. Water stains the floor so be sure to place carpets or rubber mats around bathroom or sing areas so that water can’t warp or stain the floor.


  1. If you live in a humid climate or a basement with wood floors be sure to have a dehumidifier in action all of the time. This sucks the moisture out of the air so that there is less of a tendency for the floors to become too warped. Close the bathroom door when you have a steamy shower so the water can’t escape.


  1. Make sure there are rubber mats at all entrances and exists so that dirt and small pebbles cannot be tracked into the home and scratch the surface of the floor.  Make sure there is a rubber mat near any kitty litter as litter can also be tracked across the home and scratch the floors.


  1. Be careful wearing high heels or golf shoes around the house as this can also scratch the floor.


  1. Trim the nails of your cat or dog to prevent them from scratching the floor. If you can hear the nails clicking it meanest hey are too long.


  1. Always use soft floor protectors under your furniture legs. If you have to move furniture lift it instead of dragging it across the floor, which of course, scratches the hardwood.



Always remember that your hardwood floor is a precious investment that needs to be cared for if it is to be valuable for years to come.



How to Choose A Hardwood Floor Vacuum

If you have a hardwood floors you want to make sure you can take good care of them for ages. This means that the vacuum you by must be able to quickly remove any spills from the floor as fast as possible. You should also choose a vacuum that is powerful enough to remove dust and grit. When dust and grit is stepped on repeatedly it is ground into the hardwood and then scratches it.


Hardwood floor vacuums are available in both upright and canister units. It is best to look for a wet/dry floor cleaner. This comes in both canister style and upright units. Nowadays you can find these types of vacuums in light-weight versions that are very easy on the back.  It also helps to choose a light weight model that is handy to drag out and use immediately should any kind of spill happen. Try to look for a vacuum that weighs about ten pounds and you will be more encouraged to use it on a regular basis. I love Hoover vacuums. Their quality is great. If you need a Hoover promo code you can get one at and get some savings.


The best vacuums are the wet/dry canisters that stack on top of each other.  The top vessel holds a mixture of hardwood-friendly cleaning solution and the bottom holds the dirty water that is sucked up from the floor.


The most technically sophisticated of these machines operate in two modes. You can set them to operate in dry pick up mode and use that to pick up any debris or dust that may already be settled into your hardwood floor. Avoid using any scrubbing attachments that have rotating brushes inside as the whirling of them literally beat up the finish of your floor over time. The dry attachment on a proper hardwood floor vacuum will be hollow and look like a squeegee.


It is easy to operate a hoover hardwood floor vacuum in wet mod. You simply fill the top canister to the brim with cleaning solution and water. Most models have caps on their canisters that also can be used as measuring cups so you know exactly how much solution to use. Many of these sophisticated machines have triggers that allow you to release and shoot an extra dose of cleaning solution on the floor tough to clean spots.  As you vacuum clean water is applied to the floor and then sucked immediately back up into the canister so you are not dealing with any mess or danger of slipping on wet floors or rugs.


Keep in mind that although these wet/dry hardwood floor vacuums are amazing none of them work too well on planked floors or ones that are crooked or have rough spots or edges.